4 Questions to Ask About Options for Replacing Missing Teeth

4 Questions to Ask About Options for Replacing Missing Teeth from SmileWell Family Dentistry in Torrance, CAIt is amazing the amount of confidence that comes from the options for replacing missing teeth. The absence of a tooth or even multiple teeth can make daily tasks like eating and speaking more difficult than they must be. For those who suffer from this, just having the ability to learn more about options can have a huge impact on their lives. Fortunately, there are a few options available due to dental advancements to regain confidence through a smile. Don’t go in unprepared. Here are four questions you should ask to find out more about the options you have available to you.

What replacement options are available to me?

This is one of the most important questions you should ask about options for replacing missing teeth. Knowing what is available can help you, and your dentist decides which to choose. Some options may include dental implants, fixed bridges, and removable partial or complete dentures.

Are there any out-of-pocket costs?

You always want to be prepared ahead of time, so knowing what insurance may cover and if you have to pay any out-of-pocket costs will help. This can make it easier to choose the best option for you both personally and financially. Knowing if you will have to pay anything out of pocket will help you plan and save now preparing for the big day.

How painful is the procedure, and will I need time off?

It is important to understand if you will need to have time off from work or other activities and what recovery period there will be. Having your dentist explain more about the procedure and what type of recovery time may be necessary to help you be better prepared. This will allow you to accommodate for time off needed for recovery and to figure out your home and family schedule during this time.

What should I know about aftercare?

After the procedure, you will need to learn more about how to care for your new smile. Ask your dentist about aftercare during your recovery period, but also, once you have healed, what type of care you should be providing to your new teeth. This question should include questions about the products you may need during recovery and in the future, as well as the types of techniques or methods you should use to keep your smile healthy.

Some people think that doing nothing is a viable option, but it truly is not. Missing teeth can not only affect your self-confidence but your health. You may begin to lose bone strength in your mouth and jaw, and your remaining teeth may begin to shift to accommodate for the gap, causing even more issues in the future. So instead of waiting, invest in your future today. Your smile is an investment and one that is truly worth it. Take the time now to discover all the available options for replacing missing teeth and learn more about how you can keep your teeth healthy well into the future.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Options for Replacing Missing Teeth in Torrance, CA

Request an appointment or call SmileWell Family Dentistry at 310-904-6375 for an appointment in our Torrance office.

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